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MBOUR – to protect them from the dangers of social networks in educational communities: children introduced to new approaches to digital citizenship

Madame Sène Aïssatou, Youth Inspector, head of the Departmental Youth Service of Mbour, closed the day before yesterday a patronage within the framework of the activities of educational communities. The patronage which lasted 21 days is an activity consisting of the care of young children, under the direction of the Popular Education Center, with the supervision of instructors from educational communities providing them with various learning.

According to Madame Sène, supported for half a day, since September 5, 2024, these learners have been grouped under the banner and instructions of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, around the theme: “Educational Communities, New Approaches to Digital Citizenship: Let’s Protect Children and Young People from the Dangers of Digital”.

According to him, the positive and negative impacts of digital technology should be made known to children. Consequently, children are prepared to understand how the digital tool can be a great ally but also how it can harm them by deviating from them.

On the nature linked to the supervision of children, Madame Sène was keen to recall the need to be authorized to group and supervise children, through administrative supervision. In fact, the half-board sponsorship was done with the approval of the Mbour Departmental Council. This was not the case of businessmen who grouped children together without administrative authorization, insurance or guarantee.

The children of the patronage were able to show their parents the know-how that allowed them to make various decorative objects, before sketching dance steps under the rhythmic variations of the region: Wolof, Pril, Serer and Mandingo. The children, very satisfied, are invited to work well at school to deserve patronage next year.

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