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has 11 million, this resident of Val-d’Oise fights for them


Raphaël Delaveaux

Published on

Sep 28, 2024 at 8:46 a.m.

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An event to raise awareness of the difficulty of this mission on a daily basis.

In , 11 million people are caregivers.

Christelle Evita, speaker, author of livrescreator of podcasts on the subject, originally from and Villiers-le-Bel (Val-d’Oise), wishes to highlight this “difficult” function during the national caregivers dayOctober 6.

11 millions

These are all the people who provide daily support to people who are losing their independence, are sick or have a disability.

Association I help you, collective for caregivers

And only half of these people are aware of the rights this situation gives them.

On October 6, it will be the opportunity “to highlight this specificity, to allow all French to have better knowledge and for some to realize that they are helping,” explains Christelle Evita.

Videos: currently on Actu

A caregiver has rightssuch as the possibility of taking non-refuseable leave.

“The employer cannot refuse if it is to bring a parent or child to an appointment medical important,” says the caregiver.

And added: “The problem is that this leave will not be paid. Financially, it is sometimes very complicated to help a loved one, it becomes more and more expensive depending on the level of dependence. »

In addition to numerous conferences on the subject, Christelle Evita has written a book, Becoming the parent of your parent (or almost).

The latter also co-wrote another work, The helping relationshipwith Sophie de Mijolla-Mellor.

A aide daily or almost daily to a loved one will lead, in 30% of cases, to “a problem of health for the caregiver in the first three years of caregiving.”

Health consequences

Only one solution, for the specialist.

“You have to talk about it, with your family and your employergo see the city’s Communal Social Action Center. »

The consequences will also be visible on health mental of the caregiver, “but also on the intimate and romantic life”, specifies Christelle Evita.

This year marks the 15e edition of National Caregivers Day, which makes numerous resources available each year for the national success of this mobilisationsuch as advocacy, mobilization campaigns and online conferences.

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