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Coupe de : at Évron FC, a story to be written against CO Briochin

Born from a merger in 2012, Évron FC is growing step by step. And on Sunday, against CO Briochin, the club will play the fourth round of the Coupe de for the first time in its existence.

Coupe de France (4th round). Évron FC (R3) – CO Briochin (R1), Sunday (3 p.m.)

Évron FC is still a very young entity. Fruit of the association of the clubs of Maroué, Bréhand, Meslin and Saint-Trimoël, it was created in 2012. But then, why Évron FC? “Evron is the name of the stream separating Bréhand from Maroué,” explains Didier Esnault, president of the club for the second consecutive season. Two municipalities whose young people had already evolved together before, in the form of a group.

The medium-term objective of R2

In the second district division at the beginning, Évron discovered Regional 3 five years ago. But there is no question of trying to climb the ladder too quickly, without trying to build yourself up. “For the flag team, the ambition for the season is to finish in the first part of the table,” confides Didier Esnault, member of the structure’s office since its creation. And in the medium term, the idea is to move up to R2.”

All this while relying in particular on the young people of the club. “We have 300 licensees and many players playing at U17 or below. » With an atypical operation for the U15, U16 and U17, that of an agreement with the Gouessant Foot CAMP. A club bringing together the municipalities of Coëtmieux, Andel, Morieux and Pommeret.

A unique journey in the Coupe de France

Although this organization may seem complicated, it provides a competitive framework for these young footballers. They who, on Sunday, will see for the first time the seniors of coach Jimmy Rio compete in a fourth round of the Coupe de France. An unprecedented journey for Évron FC and a major opponent on its way, CO Briochin (R1).

“We have the chance to play at home, in Maroué,” appreciates Didier Esnault. Now we have to have a good match and have no regrets.” To perhaps write a new page in the recent history of this club.

Photo credit: Photo Romane Simon/Évron FC


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