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World Championships – Belgium will organize those of 2030n

The 2030 world championships will take place in Belgium. Photo: Cor Vos

It was a rumor, it’s now official: Belgium will indeed organize the cycling world championships in 2030!

It’s official! There Belgium will host the 2030 world championships, the year the country will also celebrate its bicentenary. All road events will take place at Bruxelles while the cyclo-cross events will be contested on the side of Namur. For his part, Heusden-Zolder had applied for the track events but these will ultimately take place in Australia.

Philippe Close (Mayor of Brussels): “This date is symbolic for our country”

According to Philippe Closethe UCI has well understood the importance for the Belgium to be able to organize such an event in 2030. And this, despite the proximity to the 2021 world championships which took place in Leuven. “Leuven 2021 has been fantastic. We always get very beautiful images and a world championship is good for the image. We saw our opportunity for 2030. Normally something like that is impossible, because it comes too soon after the previous World Cup. But the UCI understands that this date is symbolic for our country.”

The countries that will host the next world championships

Next year, and for the very first time in history, the world championships will take place on the African continent since they will take place in Rwanda. The next 5 organizing countries are also known since they will be Canada (Montreal) in 2026the (Haute-Savoie) in 2027THE United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) en 2028 and the Denmark (Copenhagen) in 2029.


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