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TCL agents will no longer be able to be equipped with pedestrian cameras

Despite the success of the system, TCL agents will no longer be able to wear pedestrian cameras during their checks from October 1, as the State has not continued the experiment. The metropolis deplores a “scandalous unpreparedness”.

“We are walking on our heads”, according to the president of the metropolitan area Bruno Bernard. From October 1, 2024, TCL network control agents will no longer be able to wear pedestrian cameras during their working day.

“Since 2021, we have installed pedestrian cameras for our agents as part of an experiment provided for by law (…). The government has not made the system sustainable! Result: we no longer have the right to use these cameras on October 1, 2024,” laments Bruno Bernard on the social network X.

The agents learned the news this Wednesday according to Nadir Ben Ali, territorial manager of TCL controllers. The latter regrets the discontinuation of a system acclaimed by public authorities, agents and users.

“It eases tensions”

“It’s a tool that is important for the protection of our agents and our customers. All our agents have been trained to use this tool, we use it in teaching. The stop sign hurts us, it’s a certain apprehension,” he says.

According to him, the system makes it possible to “defuse conflicting situations” within Lyon public transport.

“The person opposite knows that they are being filmed (…), it immediately eases tensions,” continues Nadir Ben Ali.

“It’s help that is disappearing, it risks hurting us” concludes the latter.

According to Bruno Bernard, pedestrian cameras have led to “a 32% reduction in work stoppages by our agents for safety reasons and conflicts defused in real time”.

The president of Sytral, who evokes an “exemplary security policy” of the metropolis, asks Bruno Retailleau, Minister of the Interior, to “prevent the cessation of the use of our pedestrian cameras”.

Romain Ethuin with Mathias Fleury


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