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Nearly $3 million for water management in Lanaudière

Madame Caroline Proulx, Member of Parliament for Berthier, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for the Lanaudière region, is pleased to announce, on behalf of the Minister of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks and Minister responsible for the Laurentides region, Mr. Benoit Charette, that a subsidy of nearly $3 million is granted to watershed organizations (OBV) working in Lanaudière. This amount is granted for the next three years and aims to support these organizations in carrying out their mandates for sustainable and responsible water management.

The funding will also allow watershed organizations to mobilize all water stakeholders, such as the agricultural, community and municipal sectors, in order to ensure the sustainability of our water resources in the Lanaudière region.

“This is excellent news for the Lanaudière region. Whether it is the watershed organization of the zone, L’Assomption, the Loup or Yamachiche rivers, or the Association for the integrated management of the Maskinongé river, all the OBVs of Lanaudière contribute greatly to the protection of our great wealth which is water. I thank all the people who work within these organizations, as well as all the organizations that collaborate with them to preserve water in our territory. »

Caroline Proulx, Member of Parliament for Berthier, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for the Lanaudière region

“Protecting water in Quebec is essential for our government. We are proud to support partners involved in their environment, such as watershed organizations, who work every day to preserve our blue gold. »

Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks and Minister responsible for the Laurentides region

“The funding announced today demonstrates the importance that our government places on the work of watershed organizations, some of which have been active in our territory for more than 20 years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff of these organizations. They are dedicated people who are committed to preserving our precious water in Quebec. Thanks to this financial support, all of Quebec will mobilize to better protect our blue gold. »

Agnès Grondin, parliamentary assistant to the Minister of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks (water protection and biodiversity aspects) and Member of Parliament for

  • The grant granted in Lanaudière is part of overall financial assistance of $28,950,000 granted by the Government of Quebec to 40 watershed organizations to carry out the mandate entrusted to them under the Act affirming the collective nature of resources in water and promoting better governance of water and associated environments (Water Law).
  • This funding will support the OBVs of Lanaudière for the implementation of the 2024-2034 Water Master Plan planned for the integrated water management zones by watershed.

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