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“Many mayors are tired of incivility” according to the association of mayors of Haute-Garonne

Brigitte Sgard, mayor of Soueich and president of the association of mayors of Haute-Garonne was the guest of Bleu on the occasion of the second edition of the Territorial Days.

How are you the morale of the mayors of Haute-Garonne ? The second edition of Territorial Days takes place this weekend in Muret. A meeting dedicated to mayors, municipal councilors and elected representatives of intercommunities. They will be able to attend round tables, debates, conferences on very diverse subjects such as finances or the application of different European directives.

But the question of the morale of elected officials is often at the heart of the news: mayors are increasingly confronted with insults, threats or attacks. This Thursday September 26, 2024 the mayor of Saint-Brieuc, Hervé Guihard, was attacked by a man who repeatedly hit him with a knife handle while he was at a downtown bar. The elected official was not injured and the man who attacked him is known for his psychiatric problems. But beyond these very violent phenomena, there is a fairly clear increase in incivility towards municipal elected officials.

More incivility

According to a study by Cevipof, the political research center of Sciences Po carried out in 2023, 69% of mayors who responded to this survey said they had been victims of incivility. This is 16 points more than in 2020. Mayors are also resigning more and more: Cevipof recorded 450 resignations last year, or 100 more than during the previous term.

A national observation which is not necessarily verified in Haute-Garonne, according to Brigitte Sgard. The mayor of Soueich, between Saint-Gaudens and Aspet, and new president of the association of mayors of France in Haute-Garonne was the guest of the Quart d’heure of France Bleu Occitanie.

Find the full video interview by Brigitte Sgard below.


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