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A 954th Saint-Matthieu with a medieval feel this weekend in this town of


Stephanie Petit

Published on

September 27, 2024 at 7:16 p.m.

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The 954e edition of the St. Matthew is organized on September 28 and 29, 2024 in Houdan (). The famous and traditional poultry, sheep and cattle fair will highlight many animals. Without forgetting the unmissable Houdan chicken!

In the Middle Ages, for a weekend

After Africa in 2022, and Germany in 2023, Saint Matthew’s Day will have the theme Middle Ages this weekend. A period which will be represented by the different spectacles which will be given continuously. The Middle Ages were not chosen at random. It is from this period that the festival which was created in the 11the century. It is above all the symbol of solidarity, a value which still permeates the city today. Although the festival lasted only one day when it was created, it was extended by one day by King Louis XVI in July 1777.

At that time, the funds raised by the party were used for the poor at the Hôtel-Dieu. Although the festival has evolved over the centuries, it retains its spirit of solidarity and mutual aid.

Like every year, the kick-off will take place on Friday evening with the fireworks at Vesgre Park.

Throughout the weekend, a village of artisans, peddlers and traders will be found. Furthermore, the 2e edition of ecological transition village will be found on the Place de la Boldo.

Videos: currently on Actu

Street entertainment

The Last Trouvères

The last Trouvères sing the Middle Ages, in modern French, on medieval melodies, in order to transmit to listeners all its richness and power in a simple and lively way.

They play in period costume and accompany themselves with old instruments. (Music, singing, dance and theater). The majority of the lyrics of their songs are written by two medievalistsFlorian Lacour and Roland Deniaud. They also perform some songs in their original language.

Performance: Several visits per day (Saturday 11:45 a.m., 2 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. and Sunday at 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 4:45 p.m.).

The Matatchines

Performance of the show “Cirk’Roule”, enter the cozy world of a completely modernized circus from the 1930s. Performance: several visits per day (Saturday at 12 p.m. Place de l’Église, 2:30 p.m. Grande rue and 4 p.m. rue de l’Enclos and Sunday 12 p.m. place de l’église, 2 p.m. rue du pot d’étain and 3 p.m. h 30 Main street)


3 costumed falconers and 7 birds can be found in the Tower parking lot, two shows of 30 and 40 minutes on Saturday only at 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The Catapult of the Barbarians

Crazy medieval show with 3 actors. Barbarians are about to attack the supposedly impregnable citadel that is our city or your neighborhood. To do this, they have developed an infernal machine, part catapult, part trebuchet and part battering ram. Nothing and no one can force them to give up their arms, otherwise… Themselves! From there, everything goes wrong.

The ram knocks them out, they imprison each other in the mobile prison that they have suspended from their death machine!

For the three heroes, the fight is now relentless on their own side: is there a traitor? Are the passers-by friends or enemies? Who to trust? 1 stroll and 3 sketches per performance: – The pigeon hunt – “Bay” demonstration: it gets stuck – The final assault.

Performance: 3-person show actors and a catapult 3 passages of 45 minutes on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. on the rue du Pot-d’étain side, 2 p.m. on Grande rue and rue de and 3:30 p.m. on the Place Boldo side.

The Paralympic flame

The Paralympic flame which was relayed in Houdan on August 27 will be exhibited under the tent “Ville de Houdan” on Place de la Tour, Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. It will be possible to photograph it.

954e Saint-Matthieu: all the details can be found on the website of the town of Houdan:

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