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“It’s becoming hellish”: this dairy farmer in resigned to the choices of

Dairy cow breeder in Switzerland, in Saint-Omer (), Jocelyn Bertrand heard the announcements from Lactalis at the end of September 2024. Another explosion in the agricultural world. Since last year’s demands, nothing has changed. deplores Jocelyn Bertrand who suffered the slaughter of her herd in 2023 due to bovine tuberculosis. The organic milk from its cows is collected by Lactalis.

Read also: Anger of farmers: Demonstrations on an unprecedented scale “from the end of October”?

Why is Normandy not affected by Lactalis’ decision to reduce its milk collection?

It is in the West that Lactalis has its largest production sites. In other regions, it requires more logistics for less volume of milk, so it is less interesting for the company. Certain regions are also subject to the vagaries of global warming and have difficulty obtaining fodder because less water means less corn, therefore less production.

In Normandy, we haven’t had a drought for two years, we still have abundant grass. For the moment, our region is not affected also for a question of marketing and image: Norman Camembert, with the cow and apple trees on the label.

Do you have any fears for dairy producers?

In the 1980s, there was the dairy cessation bonus: many farmers preferred to take advantage of it to stop. You should know that breeders are refused their milk by Lactalis by simple mail. This multinational company has factories all over the world and can produce milk more cheaply in other countries where labor is cheaper.

How do you see the future?

I have seventeen years left to go, I don’t know if I’ll make it to the end. Quality standards are getting higher and higher. It’s getting hellish. We always have to adapt, but that requires investment. Many farmers have thrown in the towel out of weariness. It foams on its own.

There are fewer and fewer farms. Long-term forecasts are farms managed by agro-managers with enormous surface areas. The increase in standards makes the profession more and more complex. I no longer want to make any investments so as not to get into debt again. I make do with what I have.


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