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Christian Varone: “The strength of the Valais police is its symbiosis with the population”

Published on September 27, 2024 at 9:25 p.m. / Modified on September 27, 2024 at 9:30 p.m.

The photo takes pride of place in Christian Varone’s office. It allows the commander of the Valais cantonal police not to forget the reasons which led him to take up this profession. But above all, don’t forget this officer who died last March in the tragedy of Tête-Blanche, which cost the lives of six ski hikers. A tragedy which is part of a chain of serious events: a double shooting in Sion followed by a manhunt in December; the arrest of an 11-year-old child, who had become radicalized, in June; a double homicide followed by the suicide of the author, in Vétroz, in July; or the false bomb alerts in a school in Sierre at the beginning of September.

At 61, just entering his 18th year in command of the Valais police, Christian Varone is coming out of a very difficult nine-month period. “As I have rarely experienced,” he slips. And God knows if I have experienced drama and crises.” Notably the bus accident in Sierre, which cost the lives of 28 people, including 22 children, in 2012. Belgians, returning from a ski trip in the Val d’Anniviers. The many events like this, experienced over the years, have made the Valais leather thicker, but not to the point of making it insensitive.

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