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A fourth daily series confirmed by M6 in the region, start of filming in the spring in Hérault

After TF1 and Télévision, the sixth channel, in turn, is launching its daily soap opera. Also filmed, from 2025, in eastern Languedoc.

It was a rumor for a long time, we even believed the project would be at the end of 2023, if not abandoned at least suspended.

But it is now official: M6, as the channel’s communications department confirmed to us this Tuesday, which had already made its decision at the recent festival, is launching a daily series, the filming of which will take place will take place entirely in Hérault.

In the France Télévision premises in Vendargues, all the scenes requiring studio filming will be filmed, while the locations for the sets and natural sites have not yet been definitively chosen. But they will be in the department of Hérault, that is now a given.

And if the date of the first day of filming has not yet been decided, it will be in the spring of 2025 that the first “Clap!” » should sound. We can therefore think that the broadcast of this daily series from M6, with the plot and title still unknown (or, in any case, still not revealed) could begin at the start of the school year in September 2025.

A Cinecitta sur Virdoule?

This should only reinforce the status of as the second French region in terms of filming days, and, above all, the first for television dramas. A flattering positioning which has been established in the former Languedoc-Roussillon, particularly between the east of Hérault and the west of , since four daily soap operas will now be produced there, from A to Z , within a radius of fifty kilometers.

Tomorrow belongs to us was launched by TF1 in Sète in 2017, Un si grand soleil, produced by France Télévision (and broadcast on France 2 originally, and now on France 3) followed in Vendargues, in studios built there. effect by the public group, and in greater , from 2018. Then it was the turn of TF1 again to install Ici tout commence, in Gard this time, in Saint-Laurent-d’Aigouze, in 2020.

We are far from the time when almost no filming took place in the former Languedoc-Roussillon, despite geographical advantages (coastal and high mountains combined in the same administrative region) and climatic (a guarantee of more than 300 days of ‘sunshine per year removes some undeniable hazards.

Today, the region, and more particularly an area between the east of Hérault and the west of Gard, is on the verge of becoming a sort of Hollywood of television fiction, as several media have already described it. national. Or rather a form of Cinecitta in Vidourle, as the ecosystem that is being established also authorizes the development of structures dedicated to this activity, particularly in Hérault.

The two France TV studios, in Vendargues, which will double their current surface area of ​​4,000 m2 (commissioned at the end of 2025) and the Pics Studios in Saint-Gély-du-Fesc, a 200 million euro project (financed with private funds and supported by GGL and Spag), which will offer eight stages, a training center , a studio dedicated to waterfalls, between the north of Montpellier, Pérols, and Fabrègues (delivery of the first tranche is planned for the end of 2025, beginning of 2026.)

We have the experience and capacity to host this type of program, with an available and experienced employment pool.

“For the M6 ​​series, a project that goes back two years, at the initiative of the former president (Nicolas de Tavernost, Editor’s note) who wanted a daily, we were in balance with other territories. We worked to convince them to come to the region, and they finally chose the Montpellier basin” appreciated this week Marin Rosenthiel, regional head of the Film Commission at Agence Occitanie films.

According to whom, “we have the experience and the capacity to host this type of program, with an available and experienced employment pool for the daily mode of operation”.

Proof of the virtuous circle formed locally around this sector of activity, this was “from a strong element which ended up convincing M6 to come and set up here. Which counts a lot on a very high employment rate locally. It’s a real saving not to have to pay tens and dozens of people who come back and forth with and we can thus promote our talents: actors, technicians, young directors. And we have four of them! unique in France”.

Said another way: “It’s both absolutely fantastic, a great reward, and a new challenge!”


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