DayFR Euro

de- – Environment: soon an app for the SMAV

In full preparation for its open day on September 21, the SMAV presented its future smartphone application on Friday. And it will make your life easier.

The “SMAV62” application will soon be available on PlayStore (Android) and AppStore (Apple). “It could be operational at the beginning of October“, hopes Cédric Delmotte, the president of the Syndicat Mixte Artois Valorisation (SMAV). Still a few agreements to obtain and details to be resolved…

Of course, this new communication tool will be put at the service of the entire population of the Urban Community of , the Community of Communes of the Countryside of Artois and the Community of Communes of South Artois, i.e. 197 towns with around 170,000 inhabitants.

If you already have the Waste Pass, no problem, the app will integrate it directly. Once your account is created, you will find all the information necessary for the domestic management of your waste. This will make it easy to locate voluntary drop-off points (PAV), recycling centers and recycling centers near you. Just as simple to request intervention on your bins, whether they are broken, burned, swallowed by the collection truck… This report may be accompanied by a photo.

Report an incident

You will also have the possibility of indicating any event affecting a bin or a PAV, for example if the latter is full, obstructed, etc. This will trigger an appropriate and reactive response from the SMAV teams.

The SMAV62 app should also show its usefulness through the information it will provide. Because it will list and detail everything relating to the waste collection schedule, the acquisition of a composter, the management of asbestos and of course all the sorting instructions.

Moreover, on this subject, Cédric Delmotte emphasizes that “the challenge of tomorrow is to sort properly. Sort carefully because the treatment has a cost, which is increasingly important moreover“. As such, if the population has understood that the instructions concerning plastics have been extended, the elected official also reminds that “Not all plastics can be recycled. This is particularly the case for toys and toothbrushes.“.


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