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Metropolitan Editorial

Published on

September 27, 2024 at 7:35 p.m.

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The “Choices of Hérault” tour continues to travel through the department’s markets and public places to meet citizens. The objective is simple: to inform, exchange and bring the people of Hérault closer to their community. The next step will be held this Saturday September 28, 2024at the Saint-Georges d’Orques market, on avenue des Jardins.

An essential proximity

The “Hérault’s choices” system allows Department agents to respond directly to citizens’ questions. Whether it concerns administrative procedures, social assistance or support for environmental initiatives, Hérault residents have the opportunity to communicate directly with the relevant services.

Kléber Mesquida, president of the Department, underlines the importance of this tour. “If you have a question regarding departmental support or would like to know more about what the community can offer you, the Department’s services are available to help you as close as possible to you! “, he declared ahead of the next meeting. Next stop: maybe near you?

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