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Readers’ letters: nothing to save in the villa zone? Fake!

Nothing to save in the villa zone? Fake!

A post in reaction to recent statements by Antonio Hodgers.

Letters from readers

Published today at 10:25 a.m.

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Vernier, September 24

By attacking only the villa zone, State Councilor Antonio Hodgers is fighting the wrong battle. It goes against a fundamental principle of the cantonal strategy for biodiversity for which every square meter counts. It even goes against the territorial vision developed by its own services which rightly advocates preserving the basis of life.

To say that there is nothing to save in the villa area is completely false. Biological deserts exist everywhere, just as jewels of biodiversity can be found everywhere: in agricultural areas as well as in urbanized areas, on private and public plots. It is enough to carry out faunal or floristic surveys to identify them. And the canton never does any surveys in the villa zone. For what?

Is it to avoid having to recognize that biodiversity finds a quality habitat there? For example, it took me years for an area of ​​gardens, which I know well, to be the subject of an official survey and for the quality of the environments found there to be recognized.

In conclusion, the area does not matter, biodiversity must be preserved where it flourishes and every square meter that has the potential for ecological improvement must be taken into consideration. At a time when there is an urgent need to tree-plant neighborhoods and carry out an energy and ecological transition as quickly as possible, the agility of action on private land cannot be neglected; on the contrary, it must be encouraged.

Christina Meissner, MP The Center

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