DayFR Euro

€1.4 million for Nîmes, €0 for the Agglo

It was a deliberation that made people smile at the community council this Monday.

The city of Nîmes will not pay anything to the Agglo in 2025 for 2023 parking-related fines », comments Claude de Girardi. The Nîmes elected official is responsible for mobility issues for Nîmes Métropole. Moreover, she specifies: “ We no longer say fine, but post-parking penalty. » This clarification precisely explains the deliberation.

Before 2018 and the entry into force of the Maptam law (Modernization of territorial public action and affirmation of metropolises), parking restrictions were indeed “contraventions”. That is to say, it was a criminal offense. They were set up by municipal police officers, called in slang “periwinkle”. After 2018, these tickets were decriminalized and renamed “FPS” (Post-parking penalty).

No need for municipal police officers to enact them. “ Some town halls have called on private companies. In Nîmes, the local public company Agate is responsible for control operations. », continues Claude de Girardi. Nîmes Métropole having the mobility competence, the proceeds of the fines should now return to it.

Except that once the salaries of Agate employees, the cost of road improvements, signage are deducted, there is nothing left. “ This is why the cost of deliberation is zero. », concludes Claude de Girardi. And it’s been going on for six years. So, to paraphrase the singer Lio, plums sometimes count as plums.


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