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firefighters are recruiting at the International Fair

The firefighters have taken over the International Fair, which is being held until Sunday September 29, 2024, with a clear objective: to recruit new volunteers. Through a series of events and information, they hope to encourage vocations and raise public awareness of the essential role of volunteer firefighters.

Raising awareness and recruiting: a priority mission

During this event, firefighters highlight the different facets of volunteering. Ingrid Graindorge, head of the citizenship and volunteering service at the Calvados departmental fire and rescue service (Sdis 14), underlined that the urban recruitment is a crucial issue.

“We need to strengthen our teams, especially in urban areas where it is easier to find volunteers. »

Ingrid Graindorge, head of the citizenship and volunteering service at SDIS 14

Fun activities for young and old

Children are not left out with fun activities designed to introduce them to the world of firefighters. An effective way to capture the attention of young people and transmit to them the values ​​of courage and of solidarity carried by this profession.

“I joined the fire brigade as a volunteer three years ago. Today, I regret nothing. I found a second family and learned to surpass myself. »

Marie, volunteer in Caen.

An opportunity for citizen engagement

For those who want to know more about conditions to become a volunteerthe firefighters at the stand are available to answer all questions. Volunteering is open to anyone aged 16 to 55with a minimum commitment of a few hours per week. Comprehensive training is provided to guarantee mission safety.

Why become a volunteer?

There are many reasons to get involved. Here are some benefits of becoming a volunteer firefighter:

  • Contribute to security of his community.
  • Develop skills valuable, such as stress management or teamwork.
  • Participate in a human adventure enriching.

“Being a volunteer means giving your time for your community. It also means receiving a lot in return, particularly in terms of human experience and personal development. »

Stéphane Roi, volunteer firefighter for seven years

Strategic recruitment

At a time when the needs for emergency relief are increasing, the search for volunteers is a priority. The involvement of the population in these missions is essential to strengthen the effectiveness of the emergency service. Each volunteer helps maintain a quality service, particularly in areas where professional numbers are limited.

Summary table

Criteria Details
Duration of the Fair Until September 29, 2024
Place Caen International Fair
Objective Recruit new volunteers and raise public awareness
Activities offered Workshops for children, presentation of firefighter missions, discussions with volunteers
Recruitment conditions Age: 16 to 55 years old, minimum weekly commitment, training provided
Strengths of volunteering Citizen engagement, personal development, enriching human experience
Contact and registration Firefighters stand at the Fair or Sdis 14 site

Some frequently asked questions about volunteer firefighters

Why become a volunteer firefighter?

Becoming a volunteer allows you to actively contribute to the safety of your communitywhile developing skills useful in everyday life.

What is the minimum commitment period?

The minimum commitment is generally a few hours a weekbut it depends on the needs of the barracks and your availability.

To become a volunteer, go to the Sdis 14 website or visit the fire brigade stand at the Caen International Fair until September 29.

Are you ready to commit to your community? Share your experience or questions in the comments!


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