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Donald Trump is now offering a $100,000 “Swiss made” watch with a chaux-de-fonnier movement

Published on September 27, 2024 at 12:50 p.m.

  • Swiss made haute horology is joining Donald Trump’s campaign, with a tourbillon watch made entirely of gold and diamonds for $100,000.

  • The gesture is unprecedented and it calls out. We want to understand why this watch is so expensive. And above all, who designed it.

  • In La Chaux-de-Fonds no one asked this question. The watchmaker behind it is well known, his name is Olivier Mory and for him it is a mandate like any other.

In the new objects that Donald Trump markets, we ask for the watch! After a bible, golden shoes, steaks, vodka (the list is too long to list in full), the Republican candidate found a new artifact on which to put his signature: two models of timepieces, the Fighter , which looks like a diving watch, and the Tourbillon Victory. If the first – made in Asia – still has a reasonable price, between 499 and 799 dollars depending on the version, it is the second, a limited series of 147 copies, which strikes people’s minds, approaching 100,000 dollars. A price level normally reserved for prestigious Swiss brands on this type of timepiece.

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