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“frogs among the cans”


Adrien Deschepper

Published on

September 26, 2024 at 5:37 p.m.

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A body of water considered by some to be a landfill… The Muids basinhas Choisy-au-Bacin the Oise, borders a path particularly appreciated by walkers, cyclists and running enthusiasts.

Every weekend, many visitors come to enjoy the sun around this flood compensation basin, located under the viaduct Oise-Aisne from the RN31. But some walkers leave their waste behind, and sometimes even throw it directly into the water.

Six bags of trash pulled up

To fight against this pollution, seven divers from Compiégnois diving club came together to clean the basin last Sunday, September 22, on the occasion of World Cleanup Day 2024.

No less than six bags were filled with waste and taken out of the water within two hours.

In just two hours, the divers collected piles of waste at the Muids basin. (©Compiégnois Diving Club / Facebook)

In the water, the divers got their hands on bottles in glass, cans soda, packaging plastics, cables metal, fishing lines and even a signpost, a bicycle basket and glasses…

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As divers, it is natural for us to be able to serve the interest of all and contribute to the preservation of local aquatic ecosystems. What’s on the surface is just the visible part of the iceberg.

Compiégnois diving club

Frogs among the waste

The divers explain that “frogs were swimming among the cans” in this particularly polluted pool.

“We will come back in more numbers!” Hoping the space doesn’t deteriorate too much between now and then. It’s the fauna and flora that are on the front line, we all have a duty to preserve them, divers or not.”

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