DayFR Euro

In , this horse lighting solutions company helped with the Olympic Games

For two days, Bruno Duvault, founder of Proximal, a company created in 2018 in (), presents his company among the 120 exhibitors at the Horse meet up located at the Pôle international du cheval in Deauville (Calvados) until Friday September 27 2024. Thanks to its LED lighting solutions for the equine industry, it notably facilitated the night patrol at the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

What is your company about?

We noticed that the stables were more or less well lit, that the installation was made more for the man and not for the horse which has particularities in terms of its vision.

For two years, from 2016 to 2018, we launched a scientific study on the effect of specific artificial LED lighting when loading horses in a trailer. It is sensitive to contrast…


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