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The statue of the Pont des Arches hit by the barge will be able to be #restored and put back in place

26 Sep 2024

Monday morning, a barge collided with one of the piers of the Pont des Arches. The boatman who piloted the double barge had indeed poorly negotiated his turn at this point. The statue on the pile flew into the water. This is the work of Marceau Gillard (1904 – 1987) and Freddy Wybaux (1906 – 1977), “The Birth of Liège”, symbolizing a mother carrying her child.

The first had, for example, also produced the Destenay medallion near Liège 1, the head of Hector Coclers on boulevard Piercot, the bust of Louis Radermacker on rue Hullos, Saint-Joseph of the Saint-Nicolas church or the abstract relief of the esplanade of King Albert.
The second has his works On the facade of the Palais des Congrès, on the CPAS building or on the building which is on the corner between boulevard Frère Orban and avenue Blonden
“, reminds us Philippe Delaite, retired professor of art history at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts.

The statue having fallen on the non-navigable side, near the bank, navigation was not interrupted. It will be taken out of the water, reassembled and consolidated thanks to the know-how of local stonemasons, then put back in place. This repair should normally be paid for by the insurance of the boatman who is solely at fault in this incident.

(Photos Today in Liège + Liège Urbain)

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