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Return of Mr. Dubois in the CIFQ campaign

Wood is not just a material, it is an essential element of our daily lives. This year, he is again at the center of the campaign Cossette for the Quebec Forest Industry Council (CIFQ)in partnership with the government of Quebec. After last year’s success, the campaign once again uses humor to capture the public’s attention.

Monsieur Dubois, the charismatic character of the campaign “No wood, not much”returns to explain to us why wood, both solid and renewable, is a precious asset in our daily lives.

“It’s always interesting to build on the creative momentum of a first year to come back with even more impact the following year,” explains Richard Rochette-Villeneuvevice-president, creation. “We took a technical subject and made it lively, funny and colorful, thanks to our dear Mr. Dubois, who embodies the qualities of wood brilliantly.”

The 2023 campaign, which won an Idéa – Silver award, touched the hearts of Quebecers, with an appreciation rate of 83%, while strengthening awareness of the importance of wood in our lives ( 91% of respondents). In addition, a majority now recognizes that wood is managed sustainably and responsibly (87%).

“Wood is a local, renewable and sustainable resource which allows us to replace single-use plastics and carbon-intensive materials,” underlines Véronique Normandinvice-president, communications and public affairs. “The success of the 2023 campaign has allowed us to aim even higher this year. We continue to surprise, to captivate and above all to show to what extent the wood material occupies an important place in our lives, while emphasizing its many properties, including its environmental qualities.

The campaign “Wood is more than wood” will be broadcast in Quebec in two phases: from September 16 to October 13, 2024, then from January 20 to February 23, 2025. It will be accessible via various channels, including television, radio, web, digital and display, to remind people that wood is much more than a material, it is an essential resource in our daily lives.

Quebec Forest Industry Council
Vice-President, Communications and Public Affairs: Véronique Normandin
Communications advisor: Jessica Beaudet
Communications manager: Marianne Brassard

Government of Quebec

Vice-President and General Manager, Quebec: Marie Vaillancourt
Vice-president, creation: Richard Rochette-Villeneuve
Editor-editor: Sébastien Forget
Artistic director: Nicolas Baillargeon
Senior Strategic Planner: Rémi Charpentier
Product Director: Pierre-Antoine Lavoie
Product Manager: Louiza Aider
Account Director (Cossette Media): Amélie Lemieux
Senior electronic producer (Seventh): Mélissa Audette
Production company: 00001
Director: François Jaros
Executive producer: Stéphanie Lord
Post-Production: SHED
Sound: Circumflex


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