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Arrested for masturbating in front of a 15-year-old girl on an STM bus

A Montreal man who allegedly masturbated in front of a 15-year-old girl in a crowded bus was finally arrested after an investigation which established that he may have killed six other victims since last week.

• Also read: He masturbates in front of a 15 year old on a crowded bus

Lukasz Bakuniak, 34, briefly appeared this Thursday at the Montreal courthouse, facing no fewer than 16 charges that were filed against him.

Initially, the alleged predator was wanted for having made a victim last April. According to Montreal police, that day, he boarded the 165 Côte-des-Neiges bus when he approached a minor in order to masturbate in front of her. And when the girl got off the bus, he allegedly did the same to follow her.

“He then allegedly committed sexual touching,” the police said in a press release, asking for the public’s help in finding him.

Surveillance camera images were released two weeks ago, but Bakuniak was still nowhere to be found. This would have allowed him to do it again, first against an unidentified person on September 17.

Then, the next day, this time he targeted a 15-year-old girl according to the court file. A day later, it was another teenager who suffered sexual abuse, in addition to being harassed.

In total, he is accused in connection with seven victims, including six who were minors at the time of the alleged events.

One of the attacks occurred on a bus in Mont-Royal, the police indicated this Thursday in a press release.

Bakuniak was finally arrested yesterday at the De L’Église metro station, in the Verdun district.ç

-With Maxime Deland


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