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The ETUC launches its official newsletter – Swiss Catholic Portal

The Conference of Swiss Bishops (CES) launched its first official newsletter on September 26, 2024 under the title Epistola. Published every month, this bulletin will cover the activities of members of the Swiss Bishops’ Conference as well as current issues in the Catholic Church in Switzerland.

“The choice of title Epistola – Latin term meaning ‘letter’ – makes it easy to designate a newsletter and cover the three national languages ​​without having to translate. Furthermore, the Latin language expresses our communion with the universal Church, for which Latin remains a unifying and living language,” indicates the editorial of the first issue.

According to the promoters of Epistola, “the cross delicately integrated into the title-logo, is incorporated into a modern and dynamic calligraphy, thus linking the historical to the contemporary, information to spirituality.”

The Institution’s point of view

This institutional newsletter from the CES, which aims to be “simple but rich”, “is addressed to all people who are interested in what is happening in the Catholic Church from the point of view of its Institution – in a manner informative, evangelical, accessible and hopeful.”

‘For dignified ecclesial communication

“The ETUC is delighted to see communications professionals taking inspiration from Francis de Sales, the patron saint of media professionals, and trying, like him, to transmit the truth with frankness. Language creates reality. A careful approach is important. It is about achieving together dignified ecclesial communication, which contributes to illuminating the paths of the Church and reviving the faith,” adds the president of the CES, Mgr Felix Gmür.

Let us remember that in addition to this new institutional communication tool, the Church in Switzerland has three Catholic Media Centers in Lausanne, Zurich and Lugano which carry out journalistic work on a joint mandate from the CES and the Roman Catholic Central Conference of Switzerland ( RKZ). (

© Catholic Media Center Cath-Info, 09/26/2024

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