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In , this stream has regained its splendor thanks to ecological restoration


Manon Varaldo

Published on

Sep 26, 2024 at 6:16 a.m.

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In the heart of the Ors estate, a stream named La Mérantaise flowing into the Yvette at Gif-sur-Yvette (Essonne) passes through Châteaufort ().

But his 2 km stretch was very degraded. Ecological restoration work on La Mérantaise was requested by the Haute Vallée de Chevreuse Regional Natural Park and the City of Châteaufort in 2011. It began at the end of August 2022 for completion on October 31, 2022.

Preserving the environment, combating the effects of climate change…

The realization took place Tuesday September 24, 2024 with the inauguration of the ecological restoration of La Mérantaise. The continuation of a beautiful story. “In 1976, the valley was classified as a classified site, due to its picturesque landscapes and precisely for its waterways and wetlands,” recalls Patrice Berquet, mayor of Châteaufort.

But this stream has suffered the consequences of development over the decades. Diverted, channeled, artificialized losing a large part of its vitality.

The restoration of this ru allows in particular the flood prevention since in the event of heavy rain, the water is slowed down. “Healthy rivers play a vital role in natural water purification. There was a raising of the bottom by refilling with stones, and also a reprofiling of the banks,” explains a member of the Natural Park.

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Members of the Haute Vallée de Chevreuse Regional Natural Park explained the before/after of La Mérantaise, in Châteaufort. ©Manon VARALDO

“I can say that we are on a nugget of the PNR”

“With this renaturation initiative launched in 2011 we are giving back to this watercourse his freedom. We are giving nature the opportunity to regain its rights and restore ecosystems that were once flourishing, says Anne Cabrit, president of the Park. I can say that we are on a gem of the PNR. Beyond the ecological benefits, this project has social and cultural importance. »

“We are recreating spaces for living, walking and observing fauna and flora. Spaces where everyone can reconnect with nature. »

Anne Cabrit

Brown trout are back

Species have found an environment conducive to their development. “The brown trout returned after this restoration and have already reclaimed the territory,” underlines the representative of the Seine Normandie water agency, which aims in 2025 to encourage the restoration of watercourses. . This ignored and degraded heritage regains its splendor. »

This has a cost: 1,474,539 euros for this operation, taken in large part by the Seine and Water Agency.

A classification procedure in progress

This inauguration was also an opportunity to recall procedures currently under investigation.

“This river, made even more natural, will be an essential asset for classification as a regional nature reserve. »

Patrice Berquet, mayor of Châteaufort

In 1998 The Ors estate is classified in voluntary nature reserve. This status has disappeared today. With the Park and the municipal council, a local classification as a municipal protected natural area was deliberated. The municipality is working with the PNR for classification as a regional nature reserve, confides the mayor of Châteaufort, hoping for approval by 2025.

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