DayFR Euro

Night Embassy organizes 3 nights in a secret location sponsored by urtrax, Andy4000 and Mariana Benenge

After 4 years of absence, the German label returns to for a new edition spread over 3 nights next October, with an unchanged objective: to highlight the creativity of the Parisian night scene in all its diversity.

For its big comeback, the label is highlighting 3 rising stars of the current local scene: Broodoo Ramses, young prodigy with an eclectic style tinged with bouyon, baile funk and club music, Julius Trésor, regular guest of Boukan Records and Rinse FM and Lou Fauroux, multi-faceted artist practicing video, sculpture, installations and 3D. They will each be accompanied and followed by 3 well-established mentors from the Parisian night scene: Andy 4000, Mariana Benenge and urtrax.

Every night, an ambassador will invite the public to discover his world through a program developed by him, between talks, DJ sets, exhibitions, blind tests, and live music. In short, 3 “Nuits Sans Frontières” to reinvent the Parisian night. Many distinguished guests are expected, including Legit Girl DJ, Le Kaiju, Chouf, Syyler…

Find all the information on the website, for Friday with Mariana Benenge, Saturday with Andy4000 and Sunday with urtrax.


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