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Last day of trial for White Wolf before the Departmental Criminal Court

The last hearing before the departmental criminal court for Cyrille Adam, the white Lou. The septuagenarian has been appearing since Monday in Nîmes where he is answering for rape, attempts and sexual assault on 4 of these former followers and abuse of weakness. Yesterday (Thursday) was devoted to hearing the 7 defense witnesses. White wolf, the predator denounced by his victims, the master of control who imposes his only desire. From the other sea Adam – disappeared white wolf thanks to exculpatory testimony. Sea Adam who heals, “reconciled me with my body” says this one.


He proposed to me, an intimate relationship, I was shocked by the age difference, he didn’t impose anything on me, I was able to think and I accepted“He had naked photos of you, questioned the civil party, this did not shock you.”No“. This other witness took the opportunity to charge the camp opposite, “Thelmo – who filed a complaint against Cyrille Adam – was very good at causing discord when he was questioned“.”I was lucky to meet Mer Adam“sighs the latter”t I want to thank him, he is not who the media portray“It is not followers but students who talk about Mer Adam but White Wolf is still in the dock for rape and attempts.

everyone indicted is deemed innocent until his guilt has been definitively established.

“The followers of White Wolf still united”. © Radio
L Labastrou

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