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Draisy, this electric train signed Lohr and tested in

The Draisy electric train, signed by the Lohr industrial group, was presented at the 20th Congress of the Regions of , in – ©La Semaine

SNCF and industrialist Lohr unveiled in Strasbourg an electric battery train suitable for small rural lines.

We were already talking about it more than a year ago: but Draisy was officially presented on September 25.

Unveiled in Strasbourg, as part of the Congress of the Regions of France, Draisy is a wagon with a capacity of 80 passengers including 30 seated which will be propelled with the energy of electric batteries with one hour of autonomy, rechargeable in two minutes in station. Weighing 20 tonnes, it will be able to travel at 100 km/h.

“All of the small lines which are either closed or in the process of being closed are rarely electrified. So we bet on a vehicle that has a battery, close to a bus battery in a way, and which therefore allows us not to reinvest in costly infrastructure such as catenaries,” explained to AFP Marie-José Navarre, vice-president of Lohr, manufacturer of the train.

“There is hope, there is expectation on the part of our residents […] to see these trains running again,” declared the president of the region, Franck Leroy, present during the presentation and who, on several occasions, underlined his interest in this type of trains.

Draisy will be tested, from 2026, on a line around Bitche, in . Operation should begin from 2028.


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