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renewal of the specialized prevention policy

Located on Rue de Gerland, the Pyramide building had been squatted for two years. (Photo HJ)

On September 30, the Metropolis will adopt a new strategy to increase support for young people and prioritize efforts in the most vulnerable neighborhoods.

The new strategy, which will be adopted on September 30 by the Lyon Metropolis, will aim to increase support for 10-15 year-olds and to prioritize efforts in the most vulnerable neighborhoods, in order to better meet the needs of young people.

Lowering the age of intervention, in order to combat school dropout more effectively.

Among the main new features of this reform, the lowering of the intervention age from 10 years old in order to encourage academic perseverance. With this new strategy, the Métropole wishes to increase its efforts in terms of support. To this end, a strengthening of collaborations with primary schools and colleges in priority education networks (REP and REP+) has been put in place, in order to better support young people in their development and educational success.

Specialized prevention at the heart of priority neighborhoods

Specialized prevention is a social intervention with young people and families in difficulty, based on street work and social presence in neighborhoods, in order to promote social integration and prevent risky behavior.

Following this overhaul, educators will now work in the neighborhoods where the number of young people is greatest and the needs are greatest, while maintaining active monitoring in the working-class neighborhoods of the metropolis.

“By lowering the age of intervention from 10 years old and by strengthening our
presence in priority neighborhoods, we want to act early and
effectively to support young people from working-class neighborhoods and
thus combating school dropout and promoting social integration and
professional. This reform is in line with our
social policies, with a clear objective: to enable every young person to
building a dignified and peaceful future
“, declares Bruno Bernard, president of the Lyon Metropolis.

A diversification of actions

The new strategy also aims to diversify the actions and methods of intervention of specialized prevention teams, taking into account in particular mental health issues.

A new governance for specialized prevention will be established and a metropolitan commission will be created, in order to define the orientations and monitor the developments of the system.

Also read : A new team to support young people in Rillieux


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