DayFR Euro

Media: Radio is not worthless!

Swiss Radioworld And CH Media launch, in cooperation with theSwiss Association of Private Radios (ASRP) and the Regional Radios of Romandies (RRR), a communication campaign aimed at highlighting on the Swiss advertising market the advantages of radio advertising as an attractive sales promotion tool.

The high penetration, credibility and positive advertising impact of radio are regularly demonstrated by studies. Cases like IKEA, which recorded a 66% increase in visitors and a 33% increase in turnover thanks to radio advertising, show the enormous potential of radio advertising. However, this medium is still too little taken into account in many media plans.

Ralf Brachat, Managing Director of Swiss Radioworld: “Many advertisers do not yet recognise the value that radio deserves. However, as a sales medium, radio offers excellent value for money and can reach a wide range of target groups. We want to highlight the importance of this potential.”

Clear messages, but with a wink, show everything that radio can offer
The campaign aims to highlight the advantages of radio and position this medium among marketing decision-makers as an effective sales promotion tool. For this purpose, the Family agency has designed, under the motto “Real Talk”, various humorous topics to be used in different communication channels, which show the advantages of radio advertising with clear messages and direct speeches.

Matthieu Baumgartner, member of Radios Régionales Romandes, says on this subject: “We have deliberately opted for a slightly more daring style of communication, because radio has every reason to assert itself proudly, even in the face of other advertising media.”

A landing page that presents the know-how of radio advertising
The advertising media used lead to the new bilingual landing page or, which gives advertisers access to around 50 Swiss private radio stations and marketers to book radio advertising directly. The website also highlights the most important USPs, the results of recent studies, customer cases and practical tips on radio advertising. “Many advertisers are unaware, for example, that radio spots can be produced quickly, cheaply and easily via radio stations. We want to fill these knowledge gaps in the market,” explains Philippe Zahno, President of Radios Régionales Romandes.

The campaign is being broadcast now and for several weeks via Online Ads, Print ads, posters and of course radio spots in German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland.


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