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EDITORIAL Carole Delga prepares for the post-Macron and Faure era in Bram

These are not the Socialist Party’s summer universities, but they are still a bit like them.

These are not the summer universities of the Socialist Party, but they still look a bit like them. While a transitional, right-wing government has just been appointed with Michel Barnier at its head, Carole Delga is organizing this end-of-year event in Bram, a town of 3,000 souls located in the Aude. With her movement, en commun, the president of the Region intends to stay in the starting blocks in the event of dissolution. And to govern, she already has her own little idea in mind. As with the regional council, she has all the capacities to ally herself with a working left, which trusts businesses to boost the economy, without forgetting anyone on the side of the road. Within the socialists, she has also hand-picked the guests present. And there are many of them. Most of the bigwigs of responsible politics: MEP Raphaël Glucksmann, the mayor of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine Karim Bouamrane, the banker Matthieu Pigasse but also Benoit Hamon, Dominique Sopo and the mayor of Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol. All have agreed to come and debate and think about the post-Macron era. Which could happen sooner than 2027. Above all, all of them want to go beyond the strategy of Olivier Faure, the national secretary of the PS. The one that consists of leaning too strongly towards the radical left. The one that divides and divides the socialists like never before. Saddened again recently by the middle finger to the statesman Bernard Cazeneuve when Matignon was finally offering itself to the left and the Socialist Party. The responsible PS wants to govern. And change people’s lives. It will never be satisfied with just incantations to see the Right and the Center take power under its nose.


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