DayFR Euro

Can we look back at the development of teleworking in ?

An example is at Stellantis, the automotive group, where an ambitious agreement was signed internally: an agreement that is very difficult to go back on. Here, teleworking is so entrenched that the boss himself, Carlos Tavarès, works 8 days a month from home in Portugal.

In 2021, the manufacturer signed an agreement with the unions allowing people to work from home for up to 3 weeks per month. It is difficult to reverse gear under these conditions.

“I would be very bored”admits Stéphane, who works from and only comes to the site, in the region, one and a half days a week. He can no longer imagine his life any other way: “If it’s going back five days out of five, no. If it’s two days each time, why not? But I couldn’t go back to 4 or 5 days like before.”

“For ten employees, we only have seven offices”

The unions also believe that the situation has changed too much today. “Today, if we had to question teleworking at Stellantis, it would be a social irritant”assures Benoît Vernier, at the CFDT. “There is a manager on the other side of the Atlantic who, in fact, felt that in , we really had a level of teleworking that was too high for him. And he was given a final refusal.”

And beyond the acquired social aspect, there also arises, and above all, the concrete question of feasibility. “We would be unable to do this because we actually have a ‘flex office’ system, meaning that for ten employees, we only have seven offices.”

Because Stellantis also saw its advantage in teleworking, by reducing the space of its offices. A reduction in its real estate footprint which allowed it to make substantial savings.


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