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Forward Music Group 16th Anniversary Celebration at PHI Center

This week, the Forward Music Group label, focused on the development and support of uniquely Canadian music and art, celebrated its 16th anniversary at the Phi Centre. Our photographer Pierre Langlois was there. Back in photos of the event.

Nick Schofield

The opening act was provided by Nick Schofield. The Eno-inspired multi-instrumentalist offered us layers of his hypnotic music, with a few dancing moments. A set however too short to really taste the full potential of his creations. Never mind, he will be at the next edition of Mutek!


The Charbonneau/Amato duo has been working together for several years, and the result on stage has been convincing: minimalist, hushed music that leaves room for our imagination. They seem like soundboards onto which we can project our own thoughts. A performance that took advantage of the acoustics of the room. Remember that the two artists are members and/or have collaborated with, among others, Avec Pas d’Casque, Bell Orchester, Arcade Fire, Amon Tobim and Ferrishwell.

Sarah Pagé

To close this evening, the ex-harpist of The Barr Brothers, Sarah Pagé, presented us, and I quote, “nostalgic pieces of the future”. In solo format, she performed pieces from her latest album, Dova. The artist pushes the limits of her instrument, she uses a multitude of tools to create sounds that are her own. His playing is at times very physical, then becomes light and mystical. An end with a celebratory feel, but very gentle.


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