DayFR Euro

Remnants of Storm Gordon to hit next week


Briac Trebert

Published on

Sep 22, 2024 at 12:13 PM
; updated on September 22, 2024 at 2:29 p.m.

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Summer is over. If you had any doubts, you should have confirmation next week by looking at the sky. After a weather weekend of Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September 2024 marked by thunderstorms, linked to a “cold drop at altitude”, it’s time for autumn, the real thing, next week.

“This unstable and stormy axis should leave the country on Monday, September 23, to make way for a westerly flow, more classic, but very wet and windy,” anticipates, on actu.frmeteorologist Yann Amice, in front of the weather models.

Significant rainfall is anticipated in by weather models by the end of next week.(©WeatherNCo with Meteologix)

A gale in the west of France in the middle of the week?

On the menu, probably a gale between Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 September in the west of France and a lot of rain, from west to east, for a large part of the week, in seasonal temperatures, or even a little below at the end of next week.

Heavy rains will again affect France next week due to “atmospheric rivers”. (©WeatherNCo with Meteologix)
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A rainy and windy disturbance will sweep across France from west to east on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 September and should be followed by other disturbed systems until Friday. At least.

Next week, France will find itself under the influence of the remains of tropical systems, notably the former tropical storm Gordon. The west/south-west flow that will establish itself over the Atlantic will thus transport a very humid air mass to France.

Yann Amice

A context of “atmospheric rivers”

On the menu: rainy and windy disturbances in the west and a large part of the north of France essentially, which will therefore follow one another in a context that meteorologists call “the Rhum express”. These are “atmospheric rivers”, phenomena that cause air masses heavily loaded with humidity and therefore potential precipitation to transit over long distances (between the Antilles, hence the name “Rhum express” and France).

These depressions over the Atlantic will thus, through their rotational movement, “like pumps”, push humidity onto France. You have been warned.

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