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Alexander De Croo at the UN podium: “We are facing a regression of human rights at the global level”

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo called on Sunday before the UN General Assembly in New York (USA) to “resist” the “regressions” represented by the decline in human rights in the world, populism and the placing of particular interests above the general interest.

The Prime Minister in caretaker affairs spoke at the UN podium shortly before 2:15 p.m. (8:15 p.m. Brussels time) on the occasion of the “Summit of the Future”who had just adopted, a few hours earlier, a “Pact for the Future” aimed at reviving multilateralism and charting the way “of a better future for all humanity”.

Following the adoption in 2020 of a Declaration on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the UN, which urged, “in this same room”the international community to act to breathe new life into multilateralism, “The challenges we face are even greater four years later: accelerating climate change, pandemics, wars affecting millions of people,…”noted Mr. De Croo.

“Unfortunately, we are facing a regression of human rights at the global level. Leaders are increasingly placing certain ‘interests’ above ‘values’. Conservative and populist movements are targeting the rights of women and girls. Attempts to rewrite human rights have been underway for years.”further deplored Alexander De Croo, judging it necessary “to resist these regressions”.

“Human rights defenders must be protected, freedom of expression must be guaranteed and politicians must be held accountable for their actions”he pleaded at the podium.

To overcome divisions and work better for the benefit of people and the planet, it is necessary to keep our commitment to an international order based on rules, continued the Belgian Prime Minister, which involves respect for international law, the application of the principles that presided over the founding of the UN, and respect for and the promotion of human rights.

“The Pact for the Future reaffirms our commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.

“It is time to transform global governance and ensure an international financial architecture that works for everyone, especially the most vulnerable”Mr. De Croo added, recalling that Belgium was “a leading voice for greater effectiveness within the multilateral system and multilateral development banks”.

“Belgium stands ready to contribute to this effort, working alongside you to make the vision of a UN 2.0 a reality and create a better and fairer world for people and the planet.”concluded Alexander De Croo, at the end of his speech before the UN General Assembly.

alexander de croo un prime minister new york


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