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and Hérault placed on orange alert due to risk of heavy rain storms

These would be large, occasional accumulations, not very widespread geographically.”but potentially violent: faced with the risk of heavy thunderstorms, Météo- has placed the departments of and Hérault on Sunday, September 22 from 6 p.m.

The latter will reach the Cévennes and Haut-Languedoc around midday then spread towards the plains of Gard and Hérault and the “rainfall intensities could be high” And “not very mobile”. What could cause “intense runoff phenomena”notes the meteorological organization in its latest bulletin, “with occasional accumulations of 80 to 120 mm possible in 2 to 3 hours.”

For the moment, it is the plains between and Nîmes which seem the most exposed, but the risk is not excluded elsewhere in the departments concerned”, warns Météo-France, emphasizing “uncertainty in location and [l’]extent of the heaviest rains”. As a result, the meteorological institute has placed the two departments on orange alert for rain, flooding and storms and is asking residents to stay informed of the situation.

During the night from Sunday to Monday, this unstable weather will move over the Rhone Valley and Provence, particularly on the coastal part, Météo-France reported. The level of vigilance could thus change in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region and in Corsica, the organization added.

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