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HERITAGE. This largest marina in Europe has become a popular marina in the Mediterranean, “a place like nowhere else”

Port Camargue in the , the largest marina in Europe and the largest marina in the world, after San Diego in the United States, will host on Sunday September 29, 2024, the “MedMax – Saïda Resorts”, a new major offshore race in the Mediterranean, initiated by the famous Hérault sailor Kito de Pavant.

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In the Gard, Port Camargue is a place of international renown. 35 kilometers from , on the Mediterranean coast, this marina, a district in its own right of the town of Grau-du-Roi, attracts many sea, sailing and boat enthusiasts.

Imagine a deserted place, a land of sand exposed to the four winds with mosquitoes as its only inhabitants, or almost, which 55 years later became the largest marina in Europe and the largest marina in the world, after San Diego in the United States.

Many people come from all walks of life, from France to abroad, to treat themselves to a stopover or a home in this famous place. This is the case of Guy and Nadine who, after spending their holidays in Port Camargue for 40 years, treated themselves to the marina of their dreams as they tell in this report by Romane Viallon and Enrique Garibaldi.

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“There are thousands of them every year who appreciate the sweetness of Port-Camargue”. A marina created by Jean Balladur in this district of Grau-Du-Roi in the Gard, inspired by that of Miami in the United States, today listed as the second in the world.


This stronghold of specialists and sea enthusiasts will host on September 29, 2024, the “La MedMax Occitanie – Saïda Resorts”, a new major offshore race in the Mediterranean, initiated by the famous Hérault sailor Kito de Pavant. The exceptional event will bring together two continents, Europe and Africa, with 27 boats departing from the famous port of Grau-du-Roi, which, sailing towards the Mediterranean islands, will join Saïda Resorts in Morocco from October 4, 2024.

Port Camargue, a concept of a city on the water that became a marina with a surface area of ​​172 hectares, was designed by the architect Jean Balladur in 1964. A feat for the time! “Being like on an island, with the sun, the blue sky and the boats, what more could you ask for!” VThis is the state of mind in this corner of the Mediterranean.

A place like nowhere else (…)

It’s like being in the countryside, except that we’re by the water.” or even “We are somewhere else, that’s what makes us dream“, this haven of peace seems to be a little paradise for vacationers, residents and owners of the place.

In 1963, General de Gaulle considered reviving the economy of certain French regions. Under his leadership, the “Racine” mission was created. It aimed to develop tourism in Languedoc-Roussillon. Several places were involved in the project.

At the time, tourists were particularly attracted to Spain and the Côte d’Azur. They had to be brought back and distributed across the territory, knowing that these Mediterranean lands were still in a wild state, windswept swamps infested with mosquitoes.

Port Camargue, marina of Grau-du-Roi in Héraut, as it was at the very beginning of its construction on September 3, 1969. A start planned with the creation of basins, quays and jetties.

© PortdelaisancedePortCamargue

In 1964, the development and construction phase began in La Grande-Motte, eleven kilometers from Port Camargue. The project was led by the architect Jean Balladur, an art enthusiast and great traveler. The man was inspired by Mayan pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico. A visionary, he carries out with his teams a colossal, original and innovative work, taking into account the natural elements and the environmental balance of the places.

Today, La Grande-Motte, the original concrete city, has become a city of modernity and one of the greenest resorts in Europe. Some of its structures were labeled in 2010: “Heritage of the 20th century”, just like Port Camargue, two sites united by the same paternity.

In Grau-du-Roi, Port Camargue has become the largest marina in Europe and the second largest marina in the world. Pictured here on July 9, 1982. Three years before its construction was completed.

© MarinadePortCamargue

On June 4, 1969, in the same spirit, the seaside resort of Grau-du Roi saw the start of construction of its marina: It was “Port Camargue”. A project that was not, however, planned at the start.It is the existence of the protective dike against the silting up of the bay at the gateway to the Camargue which triggered this project“. A gigantic project that will last until 1985.

The architect Jean Balladur was inspired by the ports of Florida. He created marinas, these cities on the water oriented towards the sea.

Each apartment is designed to accommodate a boat space at the front and a garage at the back. The Harbor Master’s Office, the central point of the port, is on permanent standby every day of the year to guide boaters, facilitate arrivals at the port, manage the entire body of water, sales, etc.

Port Camargue currently accommodates 5,113 boats, with 2,873 spaces in the public port and 2,240 in the marina (with accommodation and pontoon). In high season, “A boat enters or leaves it every 10 seconds“.

In December 2023, we inaugurated the Espiguette pontoon with 33 spaces specially reserved for catamarans.

Arnaud Teissonnières, principal harbor master

During a stopover, boaters can stay in the port, from one night to a maximum of six months.

Aerial view of Port-Camargue in the Gard. This marina and marina with an area of ​​172 ha accommodates 5113 boats. It is the largest marina in Europe and the second largest in the world.


On the residents’ side, “The public rate is 1216 euros per year for the smallest boats (under 5 meters) and 7227 euros per year for those over 23 meters.” explains Arnaud Teissonières, the main harbor master.

Today, it takes 10 to 15 years to get a place in the marina.

The harbor master’s office currently employs 46 people year-round (technical, handling, administration and night service) not including seasonal workers. Two nautical police brigades and one gendarmerie brigade are dedicated to monitoring the port.


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