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ADDITIONAL TIME Nîmes Olympique – seen under the microscope

Every day after a Nîmes Olympique match, Objectif invites you to look back at the past match. Zoom in on what to remember after the second victory of the season against .

The analysis:

The most pessimistic will say that Versailles played with ten men for more than half the match and the most optimistic will recall that last week, with eleven against ten and then eleven against nine, Nîmes lost in Concarneau and that the job was therefore secured. Yesterday evening, certainly a stroke of fate, the logical expulsion of Bangoura after two yellow cards, gave Nîmes a helping hand but they still had to seize this opportunity. With eleven against eleven, the locals initially suffered before recovering after half an hour of play. In numerical superiority, after the locker room, they knew how to strike at the right time and be realistic. Thanks to Simon’s quick recovery, Marcel found Ali in the area who scored his first goal with NO. Behind, Nîmes had the ammunition to cut the Versaillais’ lead but the defense held firm. Behind, even without being safe, Nîmes knew how to manage its lead. A great accounting operation for a second success this season and a third consecutive match without defeat at home. But also confirmations in the game and a starting eleven that seems almost to be emerging. Adil Hermach hopes to trigger a dynamic and see his men confirm this renewal next Friday in Villefranche, second from last in the ranking.

The Crocodile Key: Vincent Marcel takes the keys to the truck

After being disappointing in Concarneau, one could have imagined that Adil Hermach would punish Vincent Marcel by starting him on the bench. However, the coach renewed his confidence in the former Orléans player who returned the favor by being the best crocodile on the pitch. On his right side, the winger made a difference and managed to put the Versailles rearguard in danger. He also provided the assist for Ali. With his penchant for returning to the center, we continue to believe that he would be even more efficient positioned in ten behind the attacker. We can also highlight the great performance of goalkeeper Simon, master in aerial duels despite his painful right shoulder, of striker Ali whose speed does a lot of good in attack, the valuable work of Mexique in the middle and a Doukansy who seems to find all his presence at the heart of the game with many balls recovered.


The statement:

“Stay calm! I didn’t even want to mention the team against whom we had managed this numerical superiority very badly. I told them to use what had not been there last week. The first thing was to stay focused and not just defend.”

After this success, Adil Hermach was obviously happy in the post-match conference. He notably confided the message he had delivered to his players at half-time when Versailles had just found itself down to ten men. A speech that went down well, since this time the Crocodiles were not surprised and managed to score to win.

The image:

The nice image of Hamza Sbaï, not selected, who comes to congratulate his replacement Ronny Labonne • Photo 3F Prod

This is the small picture of the evening. With the injury of the recent starter, Jérémy Iafrate, Hamza Sbaï and Ronny Labonne were in competition to occupy the right corridor of the defense. Substitute the last two days and author of the own goal last week, Sbaï was not even registered on the match sheet. Labonne was therefore preferred to him. The former player, who had not played for five months, therefore made his big comeback and was rather interesting. That adds even more competition. As long as she is healthy, everything is fine!

Relive the match on video:


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