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New government: Antoine Armand, deputy of Haute-Savoie, is appointed Minister of the Economy

This is the itinerary of a man in a hurry. Having just blown out his thirty-three candles, on September 10, Antoine Armand acceded to the highest functions of the State. Two years after having conquered the seat of deputy of the 2nd constituency of Haute-Savoie, his very first election, he takes the lead of a Bercy cut in two where he will be responsible for the economy, finance and industry, with former Macronist MP Laurent Saint-Martin in charge of the Budget and Public Accounts.

A grandfather who was a resistance fighter and head of the SNCF

Grandson of Louis Armand who was a resistance fighter, academic and president of the SNCF, Antoine Armand was born in . In 2018, he was ENA graduate (École nationale d’administration), Georges Clémenceau promotion, and he joined, just after his studies, the General Inspectorate of Finance. The year 2021 marked his return to Haute-Savoie where he became departmental referent of La République en marche (LREM). A loyal follower of Emmanuel Macron and recognized for his skills, he participated in the design of the president’s economic project during the 2022 campaign.

“A graduate of the ENA that we like”

Antoine Armand’s rapid rise does not surprise those who know him. “He’s an ENA graduate we like”confides another deputy from Haute-Savoie. “He is a man who listens to people, is loyal and above all extremely competent”continues this elected official. In July, Antoine Armand had been elected Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee of the National AssemblyIn , he seemed set to enter the race for the 2026 municipal elections. His time at Bercy, unless it is short-lived, could change his plans.


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