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The most emblematic of Swiss conflicts ends this Sunday

Pierre-André Comte, from the Jura Autonomist Movement, and Manfred Bühler, from the UDC of the Bernese Jura.keystone / watson mount

This Sunday promises to be historic. In all likelihood, both the Jura and Bernese voters should validate the attachment of the town of Moutier to the Jura. Even the Federal Council assures us: the Jura Question should be resolved. A few dissenting voices remain.

Stefan Bühler / ch media

The Jura question agitated Switzerland in the 20th century. The struggle for the independence of the canton has sometimes been compared to other independence movements, whether in Catalonia or the Basque Country in Spain, or the case of Catholics in Northern Ireland.

And it is sometimes emphasized, almost with pride, that This fight only resulted in one death: a separatist killed in an attempted attack. And that despite violent protests, actions with material damage and the case of the theft of the Unspunnen stone, the conflict was able to be resolved in a largely democratic manner.

This conflict dates back to the Congress of Vienna in 1815, when the Jura became part of Switzerland and the former Bishopric of Basel was given to Bern as compensation for the loss of the canton of Vaud and part of Aargau.

A historic vote

If we are to believe the statements of the Federal Council and the cantonal governments in Bern and Delémont, the Jura question will be definitively resolved on Sunday. The vote concerns the transfer of Moutier to Jura, regulated by a concordat, and an adaptation of the cantonal Constitution of Jura.

If the voters in both cantons say yes, the Jura question will be definitively over. This is what Article 35 of the concordat says in any case.

“By this concordat, the two cantons put a definitive end to all territorial disputes between them. They undertake to respect their territorial limits in the spirit of confederal peace.”

Article 35 of the concordatcanton of jura

This is a vote of historic importance. To make things perfectly clear, the Federal Council itself wrote that:

“As soon as the question of the cantonal affiliation of Moutier is decided, the Jura Question will be considered definitively settled”

Federal Council

It is highly unlikely that either canton will say no and that Moutier will remain in the Bernese fold. Only a few die-hard “wild boars”, loyal to Bern, are still resisting.

Despite the stakes, the voting campaign is rather calm, both in Bern and in the Jura. Nothing to do with 2021, when the population of the small town of Moutier voted in favor of change. The vote was also the second, after a first, carried out in 2017, was canceled.

People seem tired after decades of tensions, observers and politicians say. For many, the conflict is a thing of the past. It must be said that the election of Elisabeth Baume-Schneider from Jura to the Federal Council in 2022 has calmed things down.

Critical voices remain

In the Jura, some critical voices are still being heard. They fear that the town of Moutier, which is not very rich, will weigh on the canton’s already meager coffers. The general lack of interest in the vote is regrettable, believes National Councillor Manfred Bühler (UDC/BE), originally from the Bernese Jura. The Bernese UDC continues to oppose the annexation of Moutier to the Jura. It is the only political party to oppose it.

The national councilor also says that he does not trust promises. “The separatists will always find something to continue the fight,” he says. He assures us:

“This is not the end of the Jura Question”

Manfred Bühler, national councilor (UDC/BE)

Manfred Bühler in the streets of Moutier last November.Keystone

He cites for example the small town of Belprahon, near Moutier: in 2017, 121 people voted there to remain in the Bernese fold, 114 wanted to move to the Jura. In the meantime, the balance of power has changed, the municipal council had become predominantly pro-Jura:

“The change of canton or the merger with Moutier will certainly come back on the table”

Manfred Bühler, national councilor (UDC/BE)

According to Manfred Bühler, “the Jura Question is no longer much talked about among the population; it still mainly agitates circles interested in politics.”

No dissolution for the Autonomist Movement

And what about the opposing side? The Jura Autonomist Movement is fighting for the Jura to be reunited. And there is clearly agreement on the wording: the Jura Question will be “closed on an institutional level” with Sunday’s vote, assures its secretary general, Pierre-André Comte. The 68-year-old separatist, also a member of the Socialist Party, nevertheless believes that the dream of a reunified Jura is not over:

“You can’t stop people from dreaming, any more than you can stop history.”

Pierre-André Comte, Jura Autonomist Movement

Pierre-André Comte, in the press room of the Jura parliament, September 6.Keystone

Moreover, in a democracy, “It is always permissible to raise discussions”. The Jura Autonomist Movement has announced that it will not be dissolved after Sunday’s vote, even if Moutier does indeed join the Jura. Doubts have therefore been raised about what will happen in the coming years, especially since an article on the expansion of the Jura territory must be removed from the Jura Constitution on Sunday if it is accepted.

(Translated and adapted by Chiara Lecca)


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