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This Swiss man allegedly took advantage of Covid to steal millions

The justice system has opened a criminal investigation against a businessman suspected of having defrauded health insurance funds of tens of millions of francs by invoicing for Covid tests that were not carried out.

20.09.2024, 15:5020.09.2024, 21:56

Image: Shutterstock

The Zurich public prosecutor’s office has opened a criminal investigation against a businessman suspected of defrauding health insurance companies with lists of hundreds of thousands of unperformed Covid tests. The amount of the alleged crime is estimated at tens of millions of francs.

The suspect is being investigated for fraud, falsification of documents and money laundering.the Zurich public prosecutor’s office said on Friday. The investigating authority thus confirms information revealed by the Tamedia newspapers.

Covid tests not carried out

The businessman is suspected of having organized, during the pandemic, a factoring system by purchasing lists from testing centers in order to demand the corresponding payment from health insurance funds.

Insurers discovered, however, that most of the tests on these lists never took place, Tamedia newspapers revealed on the basis of an internal health insurance document. Hundreds of thousands of listed tests not carried out are affectedThey are said to have brought tens of millions of francs to the suspect.

The entrepreneur rejects the criticisms made by the media. This is said to be one of the largest cases of its kind, which is also being investigated by a task force of the Federal Office of Public Health. (lal/ats)

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