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Grand Barometer: The Engagés dribble the PS in Wallonia, the MR confirms its first place (infographics)

LThe trends observed during the June 9 elections are confirmed in our Ipsos survey.The evening-RTL Info-The latest news-VTM, even if it moves marginally.

Within the new azure coalition, set up in Wallonia, it is the Engagés who are doing best. By increasing by 2.6%, they steal 2e place to the PS (22.6% against 21.7% for the socialists who lose 0.3%). The MR, for its part, continues to keep a head start in voting intentions but with 26.6%, they lose 1.6% compared to the federal and regional elections. The PTB and Ecolo have recovered from their defeat in June, and are regaining a little ground. The PTB is now at 13.1% (+1.5%) and Ecolo at 8.1% (+1.2%).

Among the Walloons’ favourite political figures, we find Sophie Wilmès and Alexander De Croo, but behind them, Maxime Prévot (3rd, +1) and Georges-Louis Bouchez (4th) are benefiting from the Azur coalition effect.

Also read
Grand Barometer: The Engagés overtake the PS in Wallonia (infographic)

In Brussels, MR and PS well ahead of the others

In Brussels, MR and PS are still in the lead, with 22.6% and 20.4% of voting intentions respectively; the blues and reds are making progress compared to the (regional) elections three months ago. The gap is widening with the third in the ranking, the PTB, in decline, which has collected 15.4% of voting intentions. Fourth, the French-speaking greens have captured 9.8% of voting intentions, and in this way have overtaken the Engagés, who are only credited (in view of their performance in Wallonia) with 8.4% of the vote. Finally, Défi is dragging its feet, with 6.2% of voting intentions. On the Flemish side, it should be noted that Fouad Ahidar has fallen back, to 2% of the vote, which is 0.8% less than in the elections.

The top three personalities in Brussels? In order: Sophie Wilmès, Alexander De Croo, Georges-Louis Bouchez, so three liberals.

Also read
Grand Barometer: in Brussels, MR and PS consolidate their lead (infographics)

In Flanders, the N-VA and Bart De Wever sweep the board

In Flanders, the Grand Barometer notes the strong comeback of the N-VA, once again the leading political force in the north of the country, with 26.7% of voting intentions (25.6% in the June elections). The Vlaams Belang is therefore in second place (23.2%), a slight increase compared to June. In third and fourth place, Vooruit (14.8%) and the CD&V (11.3%) are breaking away from their pursuers, without seeming to be able to catch the two nationalist parties. The PVDA (PTB in Flanders), with 8.9%, dominates the Open VLD (still low at only 6.8%) and Groen, which brings up the rear with 6.5% of the votes of those polled.

In the top 3 political figures, Bart De Wever is more popular than ever in Flanders, with 64% of favourable opinions. Conner Rousseau, once again chairman of Vooruit, is back in the top 3, in second place. Hilde Crevits (CD&V) completes the podium.

Also read
Grand Barometer: in Flanders, the N-VA takes the lead, ahead of the Vlaams Belang (infographic)

Ipsos survey conducted online from 11 to 17 September 2024 among 2,600 respondents, forming representative samples of Belgians aged 18 and over, consisting of 1,000 in Wallonia, 1,000 in Flanders and 600 in the 19 municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region. The maximum margin of error, for a percentage of 50% and a confidence rate of 95%, is +-3.1 in Wallonia, +-3.1 in Flanders and +-4.0 in Brussels.


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