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a great initiative to create a bond between children! –

“Fighting against the phenomenon of isolation” : it is for this purpose that the town hall of Pleuven, a small town in Finistère, has set up a “friendship bench” since the summer. A real “educational tool” aimed at responding to “welcoming children’s emotions”the system seems to be proving its worth. We talk about it with Mickaël Cornec, head of children’s affairs for the commune of Pleuven.

The friendship bench, a tool that promotes relationships [intergénérationnels]”.

“At a time of problems of harassment, isolation, tensions and individualization” in the family, associative and educational spheres, it is “It is essential to create a space that allows us to verbalize [les ressentis des enfants]”, recognizes Mickaël Cornec. An observation which then pushed the municipality to set up a friendship bench within the grounds of the “after-school center” of the municipality, and whose operation is simple: “without verbalizing [son problème]a child [s’assoit sur le banc]. Other children join him there. [, ce qui permet de créer] of the link and a dialogue”. After-school activity leaders can also use it to manage “conflicts between children”continues the head of childhood for the commune of Pleuven.

From a “real educational importancethe friendship bench in Pleuven “creates a lot of intergenerational, whether it is between nursery and elementary schools”rejoices Mickaël Cornec. True “a caring and educational reference point for children who are increasingly in demand and tired”the friendship bench thus aims to highlight a “space of connection and reconciliation”where children’s emotions are at the forefront of the municipality’s concerns.

Of the “positive effects” already visible!

Set up “this summer”, the friendship bench has already proven itself in the town: reduced tensions, increased interactions between children… effects are “positive”says Mickaël Cornec. In addition, from the customization of the bench to its location, “the children were involved in [sa] creation and personalized their landmark”rejoices the head of childhood of the commune of Pleuven.

Furthermore, to avoid the counterproductive effect of the friendship bench, Mickaël Cornec would like to emphasize theimportance of the role of adults supervising after-school activities in the supervision and goodwill of the place. “The animators [doivent faire attention à ce banc,] so as not to stigmatize children [qui s’y assiéraient et qui pourraient devenir] “ugly ducklings,” he says. To conclude, the child welfare officer of the Breton commune assures that “the tool is not left autonomous”. A case to follow very closely, therefore…

Find the interview of Mickaël Cornec with Maxime Trouleau in “La Vie en Vrai” of 20/09 here.

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