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Finance Bill 2024/2026: The government is committed to continuing the gradual reduction of the budget deficit in order to ensure a balance between the sustainability of the implementation of reforms


The report published on the website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance states that: “The government is committed to continuing the gradual reduction of the budget deficit in order to ensure a balance between the sustainability of the implementation of reforms and the strengthening of budgetary margins, both in terms of revenue and expenditure.”

Also, the government, within the framework of the three-year budgetary programming (PBT) 2025-2027, has set itself the objective of reducing the budget deficit to 3.5% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2025 and to 3% in 2026 and 2027, according to the three-year budgetary execution and macroeconomic framework report relating to the Finance Bill (PLF) for next year.

This commitment is reflected in a series of planned actions, notably involving the activation of several levers in order to free up budgetary margins.

National economic growth is expected to reach 4.6% in 2025, according to the three-year budget execution and macroeconomic framework report accompanying the 2025 draft finance law (PLF).

These are: “Mobilization of tax revenues”, “Mobilization of alternative financing mechanisms”, “Revision of the expenditure strategy and adjustment of its programming according to medium-term priorities”, “Improvement of the efficiency of public investment”, “Continuation of the reform of public establishments and enterprises” and “Continuation of the Treasury debt management strategy”.

Also, the commitment of the Executive is reflected in the strengthening of the governance of public finance management through the reform of the organic law relating to the finance law. In this regard, it is a question of consolidating the financial principles and rules and introducing a budgetary rule guaranteeing the sustainability of the debt in the medium term.

Since its implementation in 2016, Organic Law No. 130-13 on the Finance Law has structured the legal framework for public finances by adopting a pragmatic approach, which takes into account the capacities of administrations and ministries to supervise public finances. This law aims to improve efficiency and transparency in the management of public funds, while adapting to the national context on the constitutional, institutional and administrative levels.

Among the key provisions of this law is the PBT, institutionalized since January 1, 2019. This system applies to both the budgets of ministries and those of public establishments and enterprises (EEP) benefiting from allocated revenue or subsidies from the State.

The PBT allows for programming over a rolling three-year horizon, updated annually in order to adapt it to changes in the country’s financial, economic and social situation. This tool aims to place public finance management in a multi-year perspective in order to guarantee budgetary sustainability, increase the accountability of managers through better predictability and improve transparency in public management.


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