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Swiss Theatre Prize: Lilo Baur receives the Hans Reinhart Ring 2024

Lilo Baur receives the Hans Reinhart Ring 2024

The Federal Office of Culture rewards the Aargau actress and director as well as the Vaudois Adina Secretan, Maud Blandel and the Compagnie Marchepied.

Published today at 11:16 a.m.

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She is “a long-distance traveler,” according to Georges Grbic, director of the Benno Besson Theater in Yverdon and member of the jury, who this year receives the Hans Reinhart Ring, the highest Swiss distinction for the performing arts. Already awarded a Molière in 2020 for her staging of Feydeau’s “La puce à l’oreille” at the Comédie-Française, Lilo Baur, 66, will don the custom-made ring on October 31.

The Aargau native is active both abroad and in Switzerland. Last year, she presented “Une journée particulier” at the Théâtre de Carouge, an adaptation of the legendary film by Ettore Scola. In Lausanne, she has appeared twice at the Opéra, with “Lakmé” by Léo Delibes (2013) and “Le Petit Prince” by Michaël Levinas (2014). Lilo Baur is also a guest professor at the Manufacture.

The Romands well placed

In addition to the Hans Reinhart Ring (100,000 francs), the Federal Office of Culture awarded nine Swiss Performing Arts Prizes, each worth 40,000 francs, to the Vaudois Corinne Rochet and Nicholas Pettitla, who founded the Compagnie Step stoolto the Genevan Anne Delahaye, to the Genevan theatre collective Old Masters, formed by Marius Schaffter, Jérôme Stünzi and Sarah André, or to the Neuchâtelois and Basel Philippe Olza. The Vaudoise Adina Secretanplaywright, choreographer, director and cultural mediator, also appears on this list.

A Vaudoise in the dance

Maud Blandel stood out with “L’œil nu” among the 21 applications for the 2023 Swiss Dance Show Prize. A very personal creation that evokes the suicide of her father and brings together six dancers.

The next generation is also present in this roll of honour, through the June Johnson Newcomer Prize, awarded this year to Genevan Anna-Marija Adomaityte, trained at the Manufacture in Lausanne and at ECAL, for her show “TikTok-Ready Choreographies”.

ATS/Florence Millioud

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