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Who are our local candidates for the Miss – Pas-de- election?

The official portraits of the 17 candidates were unveiled a few days ago on the Instagram page of the Miss regional committee. We discover our misses in evening dresses and swimsuits. We also learn which number they will wear on the evening of the big regional election at the indoor stadium in Liévin, on October 19. An election that will take place to a sold-out crowd!

Miss Bethune, Maëva Debomyis 22 years old. She is 1m74 tall, she is a first year master’s student in healthcare business. She will wear the number 4 during the election.

Maëva Debomy was elected in Béthune in July. – Archive La Voix du .

On July 6, in Béthune, after the various tableaux and the Miss show, the public voted and the jury decided to award the crown to Maëva Debomy. I am very happy with this Miss title but also very happy to represent my hometown, explained the winner. The latter has just obtained a degree in health sciences with a medicine option and she would like to become a medical engineer. The organization and the atmosphere between the candidates were very good. I was able to enjoy every moment.”

Miss Bruaysis, Fantine Wrobel, is 18 years old. She is 1m70 tall, she is studying in the first year of a higher mathematics school to become an engineer. She will wear the number 16 during the election.

Fantine Wrobel was elected in Bruay in March. – Archive La Voix du Nord.

Fantine Wrobel was elected last March in Bruay. Originally from Provin, the young woman wants to be ambitious and intends to prove that “ Even at 18, you can do great things “She wants to become an engineer in architecture and urban planning and promises “ to be a voice, a beacon of hope ” She was first runner-up to Miss Hem Val de Marque at the end of 2023.

Miss Billy-Berclau, Clemence Duboisis 20 years old. She is 1.79m tall and is a third-year law student. She will wear the number 8 during the election.

Clémence Dubois was elected Miss Billy-Berclau in July. – Archive La Voix du Nord.

Originally from Bouvigny-Boyeffles, after three attempts in Saint-Martin-Boulogne, Bruaysis and the Hem valley, Clémence Dubois was crowned after a four-hour show last July in Billy-Berlcau. I am proud of this achievement, my perseverance and my work have paid off. “, whispered the new miss after receiving the tiara. Clémence Dubois is studying for a law degree in to become a lawyer. ” I really enjoy talking to people of all ages, on all subjects. I hope to be able to get involved in physical and mental well-being in schools. »


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