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Annoyed by questions, Gisèle Pelicot raises her voice on the 12th day of the hearing

BENOIT PEYRUCQ / AFP Gisèle Pelicot was once again present at the bar, on the twelfth day of the hearing of the Mazan rape trial, before the criminal court of .


Gisèle Pelicot was once again present at the bar, on the twelfth day of the hearing of the Mazan rape trial, before the criminal court of Vaucluse.

JUSTICE – ” It takes a degree of patience to endure everything I’ve heard. “An example of composure since the beginning of the debates, Gisèle Pelicot had more difficulty containing her anger and annoyance when faced with questions calling into question her honesty, on the twelfth day of the hearing in the Mazan rape trial.

Heard this Wednesday, September 18, Gisèle Pelicot experienced an eventful afternoon, from the moment when the president of the court declared: “I understand that my questions may be disturbing, but if I don’t ask them, you don’t have the opportunity to express yourself.”

These questions ” disturbing “, mainly concerning the notion of consent in the rapes of which she was a victim, had the gift of particularly irritating Gisèle Pelicot. Because after several reminders on the subject by defense lawyers, the 72-year-old woman first calmly recalled that she had already ” clarified that swinging, threesomes, were not part of [sa] culture ” However, she quickly raised her voice against the various rumors spread about her, concerning a so-called alcoholism or an attraction to exhibitionism.

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“It’s so degrading and humiliating, it’s very trying.”she added during these heated exchanges, which then continued with the accused’s lawyer, Me De Palma, who had considered that there was “rape and rape”appearing to minimize the real intention of some of the accused, many of whom claim to have thought they were participating in a sexual game between a libertine couple.

“I’m not used to getting angry, but now, frankly, that’s enough! No, there is no rape and rape. The president of the bar who said that, would he have said that if it was his daughter in court today? No, rape is rape, period.”she replied forcefully.

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“In the state I was in, I absolutely could not answer anyone. I was in a coma and the videos that we are going to broadcast will be able to attest to that. And the experts were shocked by these videos, and they are men.”Dominique Pelicot’s ex-wife also pointed out.

Dissemination of images of rapes

Particularly upset, Gisèle Pelicot also allowed herself to respond: “ I don’t have to put myself in their shoes, for 10 years my life was destroyed “, after the lawyer finally apologized to her, while recalling that he was ” the lawyer of people who are sorry for what they have done “. Adding: ” you can understand that they made an error of judgment and that they are sorry for it.”

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The same story a few minutes later, when a defense lawyer clarified that she was “very touched by what[elle a] lived “. ” I am a woman, a mother, we are all with you Mrs. Pelicot, I don’t want to imagine what you have experienced. ” To which Gisèle Pelicot curtly replied: ” A few days ago you shouted out loud: ‘Mrs Pelicot performed fellatio’ “.

A change of attitude that was particularly noticeable, at a time when his word was being questioned by the defense. Especially since two initial photos, used to testify to the rape committed against Gisèle Pelicot between 2011 and 2020, are to be shown at the hearing this Wednesday afternoon, at the request of defense lawyers.

“What matters to me is that these videos (and photos) which are irrefutable proof of the rapes and violence that I suffered are broadcast only in this room”asked Gisèle Pelicot at the bar, adding that she “does not want the public to be informed of these images”. On September 9, she had also asked that her children “do not attend” to this viewing.

Also see on The HuffPost:

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