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Healthy trees to be cut down in town, petition launched

A tree felling planned for early October 2024 is causing controversy in (). This decision was taken by the municipality following a study on the flora of the town’s main park. “Many trees are suffering from drought, trampling and poor root development conditions”specifies the report relayed by 78 News.

“We want to expand the park”

But this report, which dates from 2023, estimates that only seven diseased trees should be cut down. A figure much lower than that planned by the town hall. In a leaflet, the town mentioned the felling of 52 trees, including several healthy ones. An announcement that greatly displeased residents, associations and the opposition.

In order to prevent the removal of these trees that are not diseased, a petition has been launched. It has already gathered more than 400 signatures. Questioned by our colleagues, the mayor of the town, Julien Chambon (Renaissance), confirmed that healthy trees will be cut down in the coming weeks. “We want to expand the park”he justified.


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