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. Today in Algeria, she extracts a windfall from the Metropolis by receiving social aid



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Sep 18, 2024 at 10:47 AM

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A 47 year old resident of Vaulx-en-Velin was ordered by the Lyon Criminal Court to repay nearly €88,000 to the Lyon Metropolitan Area after receiving aid for ten years intended for her father, whose death she had “forgotten” to declare in 2011.

It was the Lyon Metropolis that discovered the scam by chance. In September 2021, it filed a complaint after noting that one of its beneficiaries of the Personalized Autonomy Allowance (APA) had actually been dead for ten years.

She did not declare her father’s death in 2011

Paid by the Departments and the Metropolises to “people over 60 years old”, this financial aid must make it possible to “finance services allowing them to remain at home”, among other things. During his lifetime, the beneficiary had declared his daughter as a family “carer”: the APA therefore made it possible to pay her a salary each month.

But in March 2011, the Vaudaise simply did not declare her father’s death to the Grand Lyon. Result: She continued to receive her APA for more than ten years as a family caregiver.. Each year, the community received “proof of employment of the lady by her father as a carer”, recalled the lawyer for the Metropolis during the public hearing before the Lyon criminal court.

In total, €87,590 in benefits were wrongly received.

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She says that an “arrangement” was made with the Metropolis

Heard in police custody, this 47-year-old woman, unemployed, had nevertheless assured “to have declared to everyone the death of her father”. But since her “mother was also entitled to the APA”, an “arrangement” was apparently reached with the Grand Lyon, which allegedly offered to “pay the benefits on the same file”.

But “this is not the case”, said the lawyer for the community, for whom the damage is “extremely significant”. It “is weighing on the budget of the Lyon metropolitan area”, she assured.

Already convicted for collecting her father’s pension

Especially since this is not the first time she has been prosecuted for embezzlement: in April 2024, She had already been sentenced to eighteen months in prison. with suspended probation for continuing to receive his father’s retirement pension after his death.

And “another case is in progress concerning the payment of benefits for his mother while the latter was in Algeria,” also specified the president of the criminal court of Lyon.

She now lives in Algeria

Neither present nor represented by a lawyer at the hearing, the 47-year-old woman is “today in Algeria”, according to the lawyer of the Lyon Metropolis. A situation “difficult to admit and quite unpleasant” for the public prosecutor, who recalled that the defendant faced “two years in prison for her false statements”.

In accordance with her requisitions, she was finally sentenced to one year in prison, suspended. The Vaudaise will also have to reimburse the entire €87,590 embezzled and pay, in addition, an additional €1,000 to the Lyon Metropolitan Area for its legal costs.

MJ (PressPepper)

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