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The prefect of Indre attacked by an association

The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., at the administrative court of . In a press release sent to our editorial staff, the animal rights association One Voice announces that it has taken legal action to have a prefectural decree dated September 1 annulleder August 2024, authorizing, in Indre, “affinity hunts” against wild boars.

“A notion invented from scratch by [le préfet de l’Indre] to allow the wolf hunting lieutenants to kill as many as they wish”the association chokes.

“One more drift”

As explained in our columns last August, this decree allows hunting rights holders to organize the hunts themselves, proposed by the wolf hunting lieutenants, from August 15, 2024 to March 31, 2025. Its objective is to reduce the wild boar population and lower the cost of game damage on farms, estimated at nearly 1.2 million euros in 2023, in Indre. Until then, each administrative hunt was, as its name suggests, organized by the administration and was the subject of a dedicated prefectural decree.

“By authorizing these operations for seven months without justification or limits, the prefect of Indre is opening the way to an organized massacre of wild boars, denounces One Voice. Another trend that could well become widespread if it is not stopped quickly.” Hence this legal action.


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