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A day to raise awareness of aid for carers

At the initiative of Carsat, MSA, Agirc Arrco, an awareness day “Tell me help” is organized this Thursday, September 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., at La Barthère. Health professionals will be present, as well as experts for a presentation of the new Carsat measures to support caregivers with loved ones suffering from neurovegetative diseases.

Évelyne Bocquet, regional project manager at Carsat Aquitaine, explains: “This type of information day is a first in Lot-et-Garonne, but we have already organized three meetings in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. There are structures where caregivers can entrust their loved ones to day care. Temporary accommodation in nursing homes can relieve caregivers, it does not exceed three months. There are also Ssiad and ADMR home helpers, on the basis of 50 hours per year. In more recent measures, we launched an experiment in Lot-et-Garonne in January 2024, with a Carsat/MSA platform in allowing caregivers to find solutions for respite times, without giving a reason, completely free of charge. A “Respite Stop” system has been set up in Tonneins with the Red Cross for people with Alzheimer’s.”

In terms of figures, you should know that in , caregivers represent 25 million people, including 354,000 in Nouvelle-Aquitaine in 2022. And that a third of caregivers die before the loved ones they care for…

This Thursday, two round tables are planned, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., “The role of each person in the caregiver’s journey”, “Respite and health prevention for caregivers”.

A theatrical performance and an exhibition are also planned (free).


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